The PCSBA Committee's duties include the association management between conventions.
President IVAN MILEYEV Slavic Baptist Church "Bethel" Sacramento (559) 347-1127 |
Vice President OLEKSANDR PRONIN Russian Baptist Church of Bryte West Sacramento (916) 832-0025 |
Vice President VASILIY STUPIN Good News Church Tacoma (253) 686-7802 |
VLADIMIR TROSHIN Grace Avenue Bible Church Sacramento (916) 716-8635 |
PAVEL BELEV Spring of Life Church, WA SW Mukilteo, WA (425) 493-1602 |
VALERIY KONOPELKIN Evangelical Christian Church Montebello (714) 223-5785, (714) 924-8787 |
MIKHAEL CHERENKOV Revival Baptist Church Vancouver, WA |
ALEXANDER POLYASHENKO First Slavic Baptist Church Sacramento (916) 216-6165 |
IGOR VERSTAK Slavic Baptist Church West Sacramento (916) 372-9678, (916) 833-5990 |
BOGDAN KIPKO Forward Church Irvine, CA (949) 413-2728 |
ALEXANDER IVANOV House of Prayer Church West Sacramento (916) 709-3090 |
Treasurer ALEKSANDR GOL First Slavic Evangelical Baptist Church Sacramento (916) 225-5697 |
ALEXANDER ZDANEVICH Committee Secretary Second Slavic Baptist Church North Highlands (916) 664-0813 |