Spring of Life Church, WA, does an annual Christmas concert that we use as an opportunity to reach out to our community. We held the concert on December 9th and 10th. This year, as our Church invited their family, friends and coworkers, we were able to serve roughly 800 people through the Christmas Concert.
The goal of the concert is to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus and celebrate our Lord's birth. December 9th was the English version of the concert and on that day Pastor Igor Karabut shared a message relating to the proclamation of the Shepherds. December 10th was the Russian version of the concert and Pastor Pavel Belev shared a message on the good news of the birth of Jesus.
As a Church, our prayer and hope for such events is to open up the doors of our Church to the people around us, no matter the language they speak. By the grace of God, we hope to continue this event on a yearly basis.
Here is the link to the videos: English Version | Russian Version.