On March 18th, Slavic Baptist Church in West Sacramento had a gathering of newly arrived families who have children with disabilities. Eight families came to this event and only one of them was a family of believers. This meeting was organized at the request of newly arrived families who wanted to find out more about ministry for children with disabilities, as well as to establish relationships with other parents and children with the same needs.
Families who have been living in the United States for a long time came as well. They were able to share their experiences in raising children and gain information about various types of state assistance for special needs children, and where to get it. The meeting was very inspiring and encouraging for the newly arrived parents. It is not easy to get the necessary information and to get the help that’s needed. At the end of our meeting, the pastor of the church, Igor Antonovich Verstak, shared a message from the Bible. He urged parents to turn to God for help and not to rely only on help from people. Many were intrigues by this exhortation, and some of the unbelieving parents began to ask questions and share their experiences. Everyone was very touched and expressed their desire for more meetings that could take place more regularly.
While the parents were in meeting, their children were engaged and played with young brothers and sisters of the "Source of Joy" ministry from the Bryte Church, youth from the Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento, as well as helpers from other churches of our city. One of the parents of a special needs child, Dimitri, who is a professional actor, also played with the children dressed as a fairy tale character. Some children from newly arrived families have a more serious health condition than those children whom we normally serve, so the help of all those volunteers was very appreciated and timely.
As the meeting was concluding, we had lunch together, and of course, some gifts. Our ministry is genuinely grateful for everyone who helped in making this fellowship a reality! May the Lord abundantly bless everyone!
Please join us in prayer for families with children with special needs. These families really need your prayers!
Natalya Smolikova,
Head of the Children with Special Needs Department