On August 17-20, The Living Stones Church of Sacramento had a three-day church camp. The theme of the camp was, “Rebooting your relationship with God”. Vladimir Omelchuk was the guest speaker from Irpen, Ukraine. Over the course of three days, we had an opportunity to meditate on the Word of God, and think about how important it is to have a personal relationship with God. The Bible is the revelation of God that is shedding light on the world that we live in. It helps us to understand His being, and our purpose as we discover our proper outlook on life. As an example, I would like to share a few key ideas that stood out the most to our members:
“It’s important to be dedicated to God. If we will continue to serve the Lord with a pure heart, then future generations, our children and grandchildren will serve the Lord.”
“Whenever you don’t feel like praying, start praying and pray until you feel like it.”
“If you are pursuing God when you are in the midst of a problem, then you do not have a problem.”
“No Bible, no breakfast.”
“Whichever kingdom’s laws I obey indicates what kingdom I belong to.”
“Arrange your time around worshipping God.”
“The goal of prayer is not to get what you want, but to receive what you get.”
All these quotes have a deep meaning and serve as a reminder for each one of us personally about how important it is to restructure our thoughts, and check whether there is anything worldly that is preventing us from seeking the Kingdom of God for the glory of God.
Alina Cherneva