The first meetings with Gypsies-Mugate children in February 2024 and then during a summer camp in Uzbekistan, deeply touched the hearts of those who participated and served children during those meetings. Completely illiterate children and adults, who did not have a single verse of Scripture in their language, heard the Good News for the first time and, listening, absorbed every word like a sponge absorbs water. With little outside support, local Christians continued to minister among them, praying for someone to support them in this.
The ministry is currently carried out in the following directions:
- Occasionally visiting the Gypsy camps with the goal of strengthening the relationships and fellowship with gypsies.
- Organizing various children’s projects (education - Bible lessons; games - various activities designed to strengthen the understanding of the lesson, social - grammar lessons and support by providing some food and clothing).
- Identifying and recruiting men who have experience in ministering to the Mugate population.
- Finding a building that can be used as a rental in the local Gypsy region to continue working with children.
- Personal work with those who already opened up their hearts to the Gospel.
- For the children and adults of Gypsies to respond to the Gospel and to have true transformation of their lives.
- For the Lord to provide a building among the Gypsies’ camps so more children and adults could attend the meetings.
- For God to give the strength and health to those who are in this ministry so that they could continue this ministry and have more people join their team of staff.
- To find those who could be zealous in supporting this ministry both through prayer and finances.
For the ministry reports please contact:
Olga Avetisova:Телефон, Viber, Telegram: (916) 716-2950; Email:
If you have any questions about donations and receiving tax receipts, please contact:
Natalia Galchenko, treasurer: Email:
Donate using PayPal or credit card -
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Purpose: Ministry to the Gypsies-Mugata in Uzbekistan
- 02/21/2025. GYPSY-MUGATES – WHO ARE THEY, and why are there no Christians among them?
- 02/21/2025. I Could Have Saved One More Life!
- 01/10/2025. Will the ministry among the Mugata gypsies continue in Uzbekistan? (in English)
- 12/04/2024. Ministry in Uzbekistan among Gypsies (in Russian)
- 08/22/2024. Children’s Camps in Uzbekistan (in Russian)