On February 3, 2024Б Salvation Baptist Church in Orlando, FL (pastor Andrey Kravchuk) hosted a conference for the pastors in Florida. Pastors of Slavic churches of ECB from all over the state came to this event.
Church growth through the migration of those from the western U.S. states became a normal part of church growth there. Many Christian families joined existing churches, and formed new ones. Overall, the number of churches continues to grow, however, majority of them are not part of any existing Slavic or Ukrainian Associations of the U.S. Informative meetings for pastors happen thank to pastors like Andrey Kravchuk, who see the importance of developing relationships, fellowship, and sharing of experience of pastors from all over the state. The local churches always see the benefits of brotherly fellowship. This is not about developing any particular structure, but a feeling of genuine unity among the brothers who are mostly all pastors, and who experienced the same thing personally before migrating to this state.
Mick Stockwell, who oversees the IMB, was the initiator of this meeting. He shared about his perspective on working with SBC, and especially with IMB Missionary organization which sands missionaries from countries around the world. (Currently they are supporting and working with about 3,600 missionaries). The Slavic population can benefit in this area since they have the advantage of knowing multiple languages and have an experience of living in various cultures. This unique experience makes their missionary ministry more successful, especially in working with the Slavic culture. The main thing is to be called by God to this ministry. We hope that sooner or later, we will have those who will dedicate their lives to serving in many countries by taking advantage of this unique opportunity.
I shared about the ministry of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association and presented opportunities on how to plant churches in the U.S. The internal mission work of SBC is supporting this ministry. I am serving in this ministry for over 13 years in California. God is giving more and more opportunities in various directions of Ministry! Praise God!
On Sunday, I visited the local church in Orlando, and was able to minister with the Word of God and had a great time of fellowship with the local brothers and sisters. Praise God that the kingdom of God is growing, the Gospel is being preached, and many people who do not have a personal relationship with God are coming to saving faith. The Gospel has the power in western, as well as in the eastern parts of the U.S., and around the world!
President of PCSBA, Ivan Mileyev